High School Entrance Exam Prep
Many private schools make use of the exams linked below as a crucial part of their admissions process. No matter which exam you're planning (or need) to take, we can help you master the fundamental academic skills and techniques needed to maximize success.
New York City Public Specialized Schools
Specialized High School Admissions Test® (SHSAT®) This exam is used by the Specialized High Schools in New York City to determine admissions.
Specialized High Schools This is the official landing page for the schools in the New York City system that make use of the SHSAT®, and it includes links to each of the eight testing schools.
NYC Guide To The SHSAT® This is the official handbook from the NYC Department of Education. It includes basic explanations of the types of questions found on the exam, and important rules that every test-taker needs to know.
Private School Admissions Exams:
ISEE® Most consider the Math on the ISEE® to be the most challenging of that offered in the three exams listed here. In cases where you have a choice, that may play a significant role in the direction taken.
HSPT® Unlike the ISEE® and SSAT®, this exam only comes in a version for students seeking admission to competitive private high schools. The others include versions for lower grades. Also, the Essay, Science, and Religion sections are often not required. It's important to check with the individual schools to see what they expect.
SSAT® This exam borrows some of its structure from the old SAT® format, including 5 choices for each multiple-choice question, and what's popularly known as a "guessing penalty," in which points are deducted for wrong answers. This brings important differences in recommended strategy.